It’s natural to feel some anxiety when first going to physical therapy. What will happen? Will therapy hurt? These feelings typically quickly go away once you meet your physical therapist and get working on your rehab goals.
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It’s natural to feel some anxiety when first going to physical therapy. What will happen? Will therapy hurt? These feelings typically quickly go away once you meet your physical therapist and get working on your rehab goals.
What Does It Mean to Be Legally Blind?
It’s natural to feel some anxiety when first going to physical therapy. What will happen? Will therapy hurt? These feelings typically quickly go away once you meet your physical therapist and get working on your rehab goals.
How long will physical therapy take is a common question asked by many patients. Although the question itself is a simple one, the answer is much more difficult. Remember, each and every person is different, and many factors may play into determining your overall prognosis and length of physical therapy. So how long does it take?
How long will physical therapy take is a common question asked by many patients. Although the question itself is a simple one, the answer is much more difficult. Remember, each and every person is different, and many factors may play into determining your overall prognosis and length of physical therapy. So how long does it take?
How long will physical therapy take is a common question asked by many patients. Although the question itself is a simple one, the answer is much more difficult. Remember, each and every person is different, and many factors may play into determining your overall prognosis and length of physical therapy. So how long does it take?
Physical agents such as heat, ice, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation may be used. Manual techniques are often used to help improve mobility.
Therapeutic exercise is often used by physical therapists to help people gain range of motion, increase strength, and improve function. Patient education about a condition or illness is paramount to the practice of physical therapy, and therapists may use charts, models, and diagrams to help you understand your diagnosis and prognosis.
You may also be given modifications to make or exercises to do at home.
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