If you are new to EFT, then you would want to know how this works. Please see the article in the Resources section for more about EFT.
The what of an EFT tapping round:
In a nutshell, Emotional Freedom Techniques is tapping on specific points on the upper part of the body and head, as well as the hands while tuning in to an event, and making certain statements.
The why of tapping:
Tapping on these specific points have been proven to bring the body into a calm state. When the body is calm, there is more blood flow to the front part of the brain, where reasoning takes place. When your body feels calm, and your ‘thinking’ brain is switched on, then you can process disturbing events successfully, and quite quickly!
The what of the free initial EFT session with me:
We will have an initial free session just to see if you feel safe enough to work with me, for me to know that you are within my scope of practice, and for you to ask any questions that you might have.
The what of a regular EFT session with me:
I will assess your goals for the session(s), and identify what to tap on to move towards these goals. Usually, a minimum of 3 sessions are necessary in order to make a significant move towards your goal, although there is usually quite a change already after just 1 session.
What kind of events can I expect to tap on during a session?
Literally any event. Some examples include:
- an event that occurred yesterday. E.g. Your boss shouted at you & now you are upset about it
- a made up event in the future. E.g. Tomorrow when going to your work and your boss asks about that report
- an event from childhood. E.g. The time the neighbourhood bully threw an apple and it hit your head
- Pain in your body. EFT has been proven to be successful on pain!
- Cravings, fears and phobias. Yes, chocolate as well 🙂
- Traumatic events from the past
- Emergency tapping to help calm you down in any situation where you might feel overwhelmed
Are there any side effects from tapping?
Usually you will feel better, especially about the issue and event that we tapped on. Sometimes stirring up the past can cause other events to flood forward. I will teach you techniques to help you cope if this might happen.
For more information on clinical EFT, please see the Resources section on this webpage.
If you are ready to book that free session, please pop your details in the contact section & we can have a chat! 🙂